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Wuthering Heights

A photograph of โ€˜Wuthering Heightsโ€™ โ€“ by Emily Bronte

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I was quite disappointed that I felt like I had to give this book three stars in the end as I really wanted it to live up to my expectations - itโ€™s always been highly praised from what Iโ€™ve heard in the past and I was told I would fall in love with it. However, I found it quite a slow, confusing reading for the most part and I really struggled to get into it.

Donโ€™t get me wrong, I totally get why others have loved it much more and why itโ€™s so highly acclaimed but personally I wasnโ€™t all that impressed. Maybe in a few years Iโ€™ll be able to appreciate it more but I was nowhere near invested enough in it to justify giving it any higher of a rating.

To help myself get through some of the heavier chapters, I started using the audiobook alongside reading it and found that this did help so I would recommend doing this if youโ€™re in the same boat! I found a really good one thatโ€™s available on Spotify for free.

Overall, I admired how strong Bronteฬˆโ€™s character development was, it was just a shame that I couldnโ€™t seem to take a liking to the two main protagonists. Some of the characters frustrated me to no end, especially Cathy and Heathcliff themselves.

However, I didnโ€™t completely dislike it and found the second half much more bearable and started to enjoy it a bit more. Reading about the generation after Cathy and Heathcliff made it less of a chore as I found that on the whole they were much more likeable. For me the second half definitely bumped up my overall rating of it.

I would definitely be interesting in reading more of Emily Brontรซโ€™s work as I feel like it wouldnโ€™t be fair to say I dislike her as an author just from this experience! (If anyone has any recommendations let me know!)

Have you read Wuthering Heights? Did you really enjoy it or feel the same way as me?

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